A Supporters Trust you
can be proud of

Our HIstory, Our Present and our future

Our Journey...

Magpies Trust was officially formed in June 2013 at an Extraordinary General Meeting in the Social Club at Victory Park.


Meet the trust board

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Margaret Rogerson
, Board Member
Margaret has lived in Chorley all her life and started watching Chorley FC around 1968-69 home and away. She quickly began volunteering around the ground such as selling programmes painting plus other voluntary roles.
Alison Butcher
, Secretary
Football has always been part of Alison's DNA. Her Uncle played for Blackburn Rovers as she was growing up and she has had an affinity for Chorley for many years. She trained as an accountant and legal secretary and is advocate for the disabled community. She now helps the trust in her role as trust secretary, contributing in a wide variety of ways.
John-Paul Lynch
, Treasurer
John-Paul has lived, attended school and worked in accountancy in the Chorley Borough for his entire life. JP has been a Chorley fan since 1997 and has followed them ever since. In recent JP has become more involved with the running of the club by selling half time draw tickets, helping out at quiz nights and doing sponsored walks. He has been treasurer of the Supporters Trust since 2012.
Peter Thompson
, Supporter Director
Born in Chorley, and a lifelong supporter of Chorley FC, Peter is an writer and editor. He is the author of the ‘Going Up! Going Up! Chorley FC’ book, commemorating the club’s promotion from the National League North in 2019. He has been on the board since 2019 and has held the role of Supporter Director at Chorley FC since 2020. Peter currently works for an educational consultancy.
Julian Vass
, Chair
Julian was born in Chorley and has been a regular visitor to Victory Park since around 2002/03. Throughout his years connected with the club he has held various voluntary roles ranging from assisting with the club shop in his early teens to most recently being the match day stadium announcer until December 2019. Julian currently works as a Network Manager.

Our Aims

Magpies Trust is a registered community benefit society. We exist to support Chorley FC and the wider Chorley community.
1. Being the democratic and representative voice of the supporters of Chorley Football Club
2. Bring together the supporter community and influence the running of Chorley Football Club
3. Promoting responsible and constructive community engagement and encouraging the club to do the same
4. Operating democratically, fairly, sustainably, transparently and with financial responsibility
5. Being a positive, inclusive and representative organisation, open to all supporters
6. To encourage and support the efforts and endeavors of the board of directors of Chorley Football Club
Your vote matters. Become a member today
Every Magpies Trust member get a share in the club alongside a number of other benefits.